
Relinquishing Choice – What We Let In, We Become

I can’t count all the times I was driving alone in my car when an emotional song came on the radio, and it instantly changed my mood. I felt like an actor in a movie, playing out a scene, staring through the window with that familiar poignant, dramatic expression and tears in my throat. Then there were times I went to see an exciting action or superhero film and left the theater feeling like a superhero myself. Does this sound familiar? What about infatuations with movie and television characters, no matter how terrible the sort? I had a crush on Dexter, a serial killer of all characters I could’ve found attractive, and it isn’t something to be proud of. David from The Lost Boys. Legolas from The Lord of the Rings. Tyler Derden. Girls and young women become obsessed with pop stars to the point they faint meeting them or even begin to stalk them.

What we choose to engage in and give our time, attention, and love dramatically affects our moods, personalities, and lifestyles.

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